The Knitter's Last Stand

Monday, November 06, 2006

Farewell good friend

It is with sadness that I inform you that we lost a great mate today.

We lost our friend Patches early this afternoon.

She hasn't been well for a little while and until DH took her to the vet today we only knew that she was very ill and that she had developed epilepsy.

As she was soooooooooo unwell we decided that we couldn't let her suffer any more.

Today the vet said that she probably had an aneurism or a brain tumour which had been making her so unwell.

Patches was only 10 1/2 years old but she'd had a good life until about a month ago.

Farewell good friend and we'll meet again some day.


Saturday, November 04, 2006

Family mittens pattern

As requested by Michelle here is my pattern for knitting mittens. These mittens are for a toddler, child, lady and man and the sizes are quite good. The hand section is a little long but that leaves room for the fingers to move.

8ply wool 50g balls
For child and toddler 1 ball and for lady and man 2 balls

8 ply acrylic 100g
For child 1/4 ball, toddler 1/3 ball and for lady and man 1/2 ball.

1 pair each 3.75mm (No 9) and 3.00mm (No 11).

23.5 st to 10 cm in width over stocking st.

Right Mitten
Using 3.00 (No 9) needles cast on 28(36-44-52) sts.
1st row - K2, *P1, K1, rep from * to end.
Rep 1st row 15 (19-23-27) times.
Change to 3.75 (No 11) needles.
1st row - Knit.
2nd row - K1, purl to last st, K1. **
3rd row - K15(19-23-27), "M1", K1, "M1", K12(16-20-24).
Work 3 rows.
7th row - K15(19-23-27), "M1", K3, "M1", K12(16-20-24).
Work 3 rows.
11th row - K15(19-23-27), "M1", K5, "M1", K12(16-20-24).
Cont inc in this manner (working 2 sts more between inc each time) in foll 4th row/s until there are 36(44-54-64) sts.
Work 1(3-1-1) row/s.
Thumb - Next row - K25(29-35-41), turn.
Next row - K1, P9(10-12-14), turn, cast on 2(3-3-3) sts.
**Work 10(12-16-18) rows on these 12(14-16-18) sts.
Shape top - 1st row - K0(2-1-0), *K2 tog, K1, rep from * to end.
2nd row - K1, purl to last st, K1.
3rd row - K0(0-1-0), * K2 tog, rep from * to end.
Break off yarn, run end through rem sts, draw up and fasten off securely. With right side facing, join in yarn and knit up 2(3-3-3) sts from cast-on sts at base of thumb, knit to end... 28(36-44-52) sts.
Work 17(21-25-27) rows.
Shape top - 1st row - (K1, sl 1, K1, psso, K8(12-16-20), K2 tog, K1) twice.
2nd and 4th rows - K1, purl to last st, K1.
3rd row - (K1, sl 1, psso, K6(10-14-18), K2 tog, K1) twice.
5th row - (K1, sl 1, psso, K4(8-12-16), K2 tog, K1) twice.
Cont dec in this manner (working 2 sts less between dec each time) in alt row/s until 12(16-16-20) sts rem. Cast off.

Left Mitten.
Work as right mitten to **.
3rd row - K12916-20-24), "M1", K1, "M1", K15(19-23-27).
Work 3 rows.
7th row - K12(16-20-24), "M1", K3, "M1", K15(19-23-27).
Work 3 rows.
11th row - K12(16-20-24), "M1", K5, "M1", K15(19-23-27).
Cont inc in this manner (working 2 st more between inc each time) in foll 4th row/s until there are 36(44-54-64) sts.
Work 1(3-1-1) row/s.
Thumb - Next row - K21(26-32-38), turn, cast on 2(3-3-3) st.
Next row - K1, P10(12-14-16), K1, turn.
Complete as for Right Mitten from ** to end.

Make Up
Do not press acrylic.
With a slightly damp cloth and warm iron, press wool lightly. Using flat seam, join thumb and hand seams. Press seams.

I sew the thumb up before picking up from the cast on stitches at the base of the thumb.

Happy knitting.


Friday, November 03, 2006

Joy of joys....................

Look what arrived at my local book store today.

I only ordered this book at Petrachs about 2 weeks ago and it is here already.

I have ordered the other 2 books that have been released by the Yarnharlot but no success as yet.

The distributors have run out of 1 and the other has to come from the USA.

I am in 7th heaven and started reading my book while at the bus stop waiting for my bus home.

I have now finished the 1st chapter and can't wait to get back to it.

This is a lovely set for a child in the soaring eagles project.

The yarn is Magnum Prints and the beanie pattern is the same as used before.

The mitten pattern is also the same as before but just knit in the womens size.

This yarn is sooooooooooooo soft and the colours are soooooooooooooooooooo pretty.

This little pair of socks are knit from left over Opal yarn.

The pattern is the baby cable socks but they are large enough to fit miss 4 and she has quite a large foot for her age.

This little beanie and mittens are for the India Knitting Project.

The mittens are my fave pattern again but in the toddler size and the beanie is from the Patons "Little Wonders" knitting book.

I'm not sure what the yarn is as I couldn't find it's label amongst my stash.

This little beanie is from the same pattern as above and this ball of yarn also had no label attached.

I'm on my way back to reading the Yarnharlots book so until next time keep on knitting.
