Christmas cheer
She is now 6 months old and doing very well.
She hadn't long woken from having a sleep and was enjoying her Christmas lunch that I was happily feeding her.
Jasmin is now 18 months old and doing quite well these days as when she was born she was 6 weeks premature.
This is a rarity as she usually pokes her tongue out when we try to take her pickie.
Lee is the mum of 4 of our grandchildren and is a good mum to them.
He children are Charles aged 11 years, Zoe aged 7 years, Jasmin aged 18 months and Isabella aged 6 months.
I am soooooooooo pleased with this pickie as it shows that it is in flower.
Why am I so pleased that it's in flower? It is because every time I try to grow an African Violet I usually kill it within weeks and this one has lasted for about 6 months so far and is growing absolutely beautifully.
I can't believe that it is still alive let alone in flower.
Yesterday we went to Hobart to see some of the Sydney Hobart yachts finish the race and also went to Salamanca market and also the Taste of Tasmania and had a lovely day so today has been a bit of a rest day.
Tomorrow night we will be having a relaxing New Years Eve at Aurora Stadium with Miss 5 1/2 yrs and also our grandson (11 yrs). This is usually a good evening with entertainment and also fireworks for the children at 9.30pm and then more firworks at midnight.
I hope everyone had a good Christmas and that you all have a safe New Year.
Until next time keep on knitting.